Monday 20 February 2012


Hello, long time so see eh? Well I have been a busy bee you know, being a law student and all. I also learn Spanish and play my guitar during spare time so I am always doing something, but I am back yaay!
Anyway I wanted to blog something very positive this time round. Last week my lecture class and I went on a trip to visit some chambers (which if you don't know are where barristers work) by strand, Inner Temple and Middle Temple. They were absolutely wicked, and I fell in love with the old buildings and their hogwarts themed dining hall.

I also had the lucky chance of having a cuppa with a QC (Queen's Counsel,i.e senior barrister) who gave me great encouragement me as well as describing the realities of the job. I thought it may throw me off but the whole experience encouraged all the more to go into the field of law.I found it incredibly compelling and thrilling, despite all the negative points the QC raised (which I think I could handle). I honestly feel like God himself wants me to go into the field of law, which I guess means I have the 'go-ahead' from above eh?!

The whole day seemed magical, and as I wondered around the chambers I could visualise myself working there and doing my pupillage there too! Which reminds me, the QC I spoke to said he definitely wants to see me again, so I shall try and get a mini pupillage from him, I think he would give me a good reference and I need all the work experience I can get. So all in all I am exceedingly encouraged, and today I even picked up a magazine which had two articles on inspirational young girls who have begun their own businesses or become successful by not giving up. So that's what I'll do. Not start a business, (at least, not now) I won't give up. :-)